Drive-in Conf Lite: Enabling the world, ai & a11y
Drive-in Conf Lite: Enabling the world, ai & a11yOn October 1st, Kino Cabana came alive with the spirit of innovation and inclusivity as it hosted Drive-in Conf Lite: Enabling the World, ai & a11y, in collaboration with Google Cloud. This special edition of...
Drive-in Conf Lite: The AI
Drive-in Conf: The Learning JourneyDrive-in Conf Lite: The AI had a new format, great location, and exceptional speakers. The event was held on 4 October 2023, in the heart of Sofia - at Kino Cabana. Our guests had the opportunity to come by car, public transport,...
Drive-in Conf: The Learning Journey
Drive-in Conf: The Learning JourneyDrive-in Conference: The Learning Journey was held in Sofia, on October 13, in the parking lot of the Kaufland store in Mladost 4. The topics were focused on the latest trends in software engineering. Our speakers Samuil Aleksov,...
Drive-in Conf: Varna
Drive-in Conf: VarnaBrave/Supersonic/Reactive EPAM brought Drive-in Conf to Varna! The event took place on November, 5 2021. The talks were focused on Project Helidon, Quarkus and Kotlin. Our visitors enjoyed a director's cut of three tech talks by Dmitry Alexandrov...
Drive-in Conf: Debrecen
Drive-in Conf: debrecenThe first EPAM Drive-in Conference in Hungary! The event took place on June, 10 2021. The visitors had the opportunity to enjoy a director's cut of two tech talks presentations by EPAM Bulgaria's Chief Software Engineers, Samuil Aleksov and...
Drive-in Conf – Plovdiv
Drive-in Conf - PlovdivEPAM brought Drive-in Conf to Plovdiv with a special edition dedicated to emerging technologies, new beginnings, and everything you need to start a new exciting project from scratch! This was the fan… EPAM brought Drive-in Conf to Plovdiv with a...
Drive-in Conf – Prague
Drive-in Conf - PragueThe first Tech Talks: Drive-in Conference in the Czech Republic! The visitors enjoyed in the full comfort and safety of your car a director's cut of two Tech Talks presentations by our colleagues from EPAM Bulgaria! Chief Software Engineers...
Drive-in Conf – Burgas
Drive-in Conf - BurgasThe first Tech Talks: Drive-in Conference in Burgas! The event featured a special director's cut of two Tech Talks presentations by EPAM Bulgaria's Chief Software Engineers, Samuil Aleksov and Ivaylo Pashov. It took place at the open-air parking...
Drive-in Conf – Java Edition
Drive-in Conf - Java EditionA fun evening of popcorn, refreshments and informal Java talks at the drive-in cinema, CinePark. No car? No problem, we had a comfy lounge area, where you could network with the others. The event had over 100 visitors and the speaker...
Drive-in Conf – July 2020
Drive-in Conf - July 2020The first Tech Talks: Drive-in Conference in Bulgaria! The visitors were able to enjoy in the full comfort and safety of their cars a director's cut of two Tech Talks presentations by EPAM Bulgaria's Chief Software Engineers, Samuil Aleksov...
Drive-in Conf was chosen as one of the best events this year from b2b Media Awards due to the fact it helps visitors to connect with more IT professionals in a pleasant and stimulating environment. The conference allows unlimited exchange of experience, useful practices, and ideas for growth and development.


#InsideEPAMBulgaria: Drive-in Conf: The Learning Journey търси своите вдъхновяващи лектори


Drive-in Conf отново в Бургас! Конференцията на ЕПАМ се завръща с ново издание на 21 май

Drive-in Conf: Plovdiv Започнете нещо ново!


Първо издание на Drive-in Conf в Бургас, вижте кога и къде

Tech Talks с първата Drive-in конференция в България
Since the start of the pandemic situation nearly all technical conferences adapted by shifting to online events rather than actual physical ones. It has been an interesting process and allowed us to expand beyond the individual geographic location and reach out to really interesting speakers from across the world. On the other hand, we were starting to crave the real human contact and networking that comes with a live event. EPAM Bulgaria’s team has come up with a solution for this situation.
Drive-In Conf. sounded like a very interesting format and I am glad that I managed to become a part of the first conference of this kind in Bulgaria.
For several years now, I have been sharing my experience in enriched reality and computer graphics, because I believe that there is a potential for a very different and creative collaboration between user and machine, as the technologies get more and more accessible. The big screen allowed me to show several interesting apps and to present the content in a suitable way.
Samuil Aleksov, Chief Software Engineer at EPAM, who presented the Immersive Media talk.

This time it was very interesting since we shot the video of the presentation in the city of Burgas. This summer, I have the opportunity to work by the seaside as a part of the EPAM Remote by design concept.”
Ivaylo Pashov, Chief Software Engineer at EPAM, who presented the topic Modern Event-Driven Systems.
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